Whether you play computer games, or communicate on social networks, you will definitely need a nickname. A fictitious name, a pseudonym is also called a login. Usually, the program automatically throws out variants of nicknames, consisting in half of the real name and surname. But many gamers want to come up with something more original.

Some social networks, in particular Odnoklassniki, require a nickname instead of an email address or a mobile phone number. The nickname must be original, since two users cannot be registered under the same username.
For the uniqueness of the nickname, symbols are often added to it - the date of birth or arbitrary numbers. A truly original female nickname will be when it consists of one or two logically related words.
Avoid lisping logins: Baby, Sweetie, Kisulya, Strawberry, Sweet Deffachka, etc. Surely, on the site or in the game of such "crumbs" a dime a dozen.
Composing an original nickname is a whole art. It is worth considering a few wishes and giving free rein to your imagination.
First of all, try to make the pseudonym sound and read equally well, both in Russian and in English. For example, if you want to take the nickname Shala_Ya (Shala_Ya), Skyрidar (Turpentine) or Vanilla-Sky (Vanilla Sky), please note that Russian-speaking users may distort its sound. Better just write the Russian word in Latin letters - Vanil, noe_Nebo.
Women's nicknames do not have to have the ending "a" or "i". When choosing a login, we can assume the masculine and neuter gender: Goat's Hoof, Almond Milk, Hyperboloid, Jade, etc.
It is most original to take a pseudonym from any film or literary work. Just keep in mind that many heroes are very popular, therefore, they are not unique. These nicknames include: Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Baba Yaga, Snegu-Rochka.
But the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Marmeladova, the Malachite Box, will be much less common. But they can be busy too. If you really want to choose a nickname for yourself, based on literature, slightly change it by inserting synonyms. For example, the Head of the Aluminum Basin is original and creates certain associations.
It is also easy for Marmeladova to turn into Marmeladovna or Zefirova (Zefirovna), and the Malachite Box into a Jadeite Chest or Tourmaline Casket. By the way, if your name is Larisa, the last nickname takes on a special meaning.
The "musical" nicknames sound very nice: French horn, Svirel, String, Harp, Mandolin, Pan Flute. The most original will be Nickelharpa (Swedish folk instrument) and Hardangerfele (Norwegian traditional violin). Such a login can be found one in a million, and then only on the forum of professional musicians.
If you communicate on a regular social network, and not on a sex forum, you should not take erotic nicknames like Frau Liebe, Mrs. I Want, Nymph_Manka.
You can confidently take a nickname associated with your work or hobby. The Debtor of Hippocrates (the login hints at an oath to the famous doctor) or the Slave of Melpomene (the nickname is suitable for a theatrical actress) sound very original.
Try to avoid momentary minor moods. A login that expresses personal problems - Lonely Wolf, Biting Bitch, Unsatisfied Spitfire - can spoil karma not only in the game, but also in real life. In addition, the problems will go away sooner or later, and other users will perceive you as a negative person.