How To Check The Balance On Yandex Money

How To Check The Balance On Yandex Money
How To Check The Balance On Yandex Money

In order to pay in online stores or on various sites, you need an electronic wallet. There are two ways to check the balance on such a wallet in the Yandex. Money system.

How to check the balance on Yandex money
How to check the balance on Yandex money

Yandex. Money is a convenient electronic wallet to which you can receive payments from various companies, customers, employers online. You can use it to pay for goods and services on the Internet yourself. This service is extremely simple.

Checking the balance online

Find Yandex. Money through your Yandex. Mail or search engine, enter your username and password and log into the system. On the left side, right under the system icon, there will be your account in Yandex. Money, and under it the balance is written in large numbers. You can see details about your purchases or payments to the account in the "History" and "Payments" sections located just below.

If you want to know the details of the balance itself, click on the balance amount. You will see a small field in which the lines "Available", "In queue" and "In arrears" appear.

Available balance

The money you have in your account at the moment is your available balance. You can use it for whatever you want: transfer to a bank, pay for goods in an online store, or transfer to another account in Yandex. Money. For anonymous users, the available amount cannot exceed 15,000 rubles, while identified users have the right to keep up to 100,000 rubles on the account. All one-time transactions for these users are limited to the same amounts.

Replenishment queue

In the event that an anonymous user has received more than 15,000 rubles on the account, his balance goes to the "In the queue" section of the account. Let's say that 20,000 were transferred to your account, but you are not an authorized user. This money, of course, will not go anywhere, but at first the maximum available amount will be displayed on our account: 15,000 rubles. When you spend part of the funds from the account, the amount from the queue will be transferred to your current account.


This is your negative account balance. This may appear after purchases from your Yandex. Money card or withdrawing money from it from an ATM, if you have exceeded the limit. This usually happens due to a technical failure of the system. The next amount credited to the account will be used to cover the debt.

Checking the balance from the card

If you are the owner of a special Yandex. Money card linked to your account, you can check the balance in another way. Just use any ATM for this and check the status of the account, even if you are disconnected from the electronic wallet. Money from your Yandex. Money account is immediately credited to the card, so you will always know about the current state of your account.
