How To Check The Balance On The Card Via The Internet

How To Check The Balance On The Card Via The Internet
How To Check The Balance On The Card Via The Internet

Table of contents:


You can check the balance of the card via the Internet if you have Internet banking connected to the account that is linked to your card. In many banks, it is connected by default when opening an account. But there are those where it is necessary to activate this service separately, including for a fee. If it is not connected, you will have to start by adding it to your list of services.

How to check the balance on the card via the Internet
How to check the balance on the card via the Internet

It is necessary

  • - a computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - keys for entering Internet banking.


Step 1

Go to the Internet banking login page and enter your username and password in the fields provided for them. Many banks use a virtual keyboard to enter a password.

Step 2

The system may request an additional identifier. For example, a variable code or a one-time password sent by SMS or e-mail. Perform this step if necessary.

Step 3

In most cases, you will see the available balance for all accounts immediately after logging into the system. But in some banks, you need to go to a special tab in the interface or click on the account number or the link next to it.
