How To Identify The Sender Of An Email

How To Identify The Sender Of An Email
How To Identify The Sender Of An Email

Table of contents:


You don't need to turn into a hacker if you need to find out the IP address from which an email was sent to you. It is enough to follow the well-known algorithm of actions, which is not classified information.

How to identify the sender of an email
How to identify the sender of an email

It is necessary

  • - a computer
  • - Internet access


Step 1

To get started, log into your mail using the full version of the web interface. WAP or PDA in this case will be inappropriate. Then open the email that you want to calculate the sender for.

Step 2

If you use the mail resource Mail. Ru, then select the "More" link, which is located at the bottom of the browser window and click the "Service headers" item. If your mailbox is located on "Yandex", select the "Mail properties" tab, which is in the "Additional" item. The owner of an e-mail box on should click the button with the down arrow, which is located to the right of the "Reply" link, and then click on "Show original".

Step 3

As a result, a long text should appear on the screen (sometimes as a separate tab). Select the following line from it: Received: from domainn.ame (domainn.ame []). The value will represent the IP address from which this letter came.

Step 4

If you notice several lines that look similar, then take into account only the first one, it will contain the code you need. However, if the first line displays an address that starts with 192.168, then you should refer to the second line from the list.

Step 5

Please note that very often bullying letters are sent through an anonymous proxy server. In other cases, the author of such mailings may be the owner of a computer with viruses, who is not aware of their existence. In other cases, including when the letter sent to you contains threats, report the calculated IP-address to the "K" department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Under no circumstances distribute the information you have obtained and do not use it in destructive events.
