Draenor is a new zone in the online game World of Warcraft. It was a huge planet until it was destroyed during the invasion of the forces of the "alliance". You can only get into it when the character reaches level 90.

Flying in Draenor is available starting with the Battle for Azeroth expansion. To activate it, several conditions must be met:
- Open all locations in this zone
- Find at least 100 treasures
- Complete the entire main quest tree.
- Complete quests for obtaining "Apexis Crystals"
- Raise your reputation level with new factions
Zone locations
In total, there are 6 locations in "Draenor" available for research. Each of them can simultaneously study several characters created on one account. However, any of these characters must be at least level 90, and full research requires level 100. List of locations:
- Ice Dragon Ridge
- Gorgrond
- Spiers of Arak
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Talador
- Nagrand
hidden treasures
To open the flight, the player must receive the achievement "Master Treasure Hunter". To complete it, you need to collect 100 treasures for game version 6.2 or higher. In earlier versions, this achievement can be obtained by collecting only 50 treasures. In new locations, 200 hidden objects are available for collection. They are matched only once for each character. In addition, they cannot be taken by other players, even if they are in your group. You also need to take into account the fact that items found in the "Tanaan Jungle" location do not count towards the achievement.
After completing the add-on storyline, the "treasure map" item becomes available to the player in the store. It is only useful if not all secrets have been found in the zone. This map shows the location of all valuable items in Draenor. The price in the store is 100 g, but it can also be obtained for completing a mission from the garrison.
Garrison Quests
To obtain all the "Apexis Crystals" you need to complete 12 garrison missions. They are only given to characters level 100 and above. It is also necessary to raise the level of the garrison to the 2nd and build the "commander's table" improvement in it. Quests are completed by only one character.
Each day, the garrison provides two quests to choose from. Each of them requires the player to kill a large number of enemies with level 100 in a certain area. The progress of the task will not be counted if the group consists of more than 5 people.
Fractions of the zone
There are 4 factions in Draenor, but in order to open a flight, you need to raise the reputation for only three of them. To increase the level of relations, you need to complete daily tasks or kill monsters. To open a flight, you need to get 21,000 reputation points from each of the following factions:
- Order of the Awoken
- Catcher Saberons
- Hand of the Prophet (for Alliance players)
- Vol'jin's bounty hunters (for Horde players)
After each of them has received the "respect" status, it will be possible to fly in all locations of the zone. It is not required to receive the achievement again for other characters.