The horse is a friendly creature that appeared in Minecraft with a recent update. Horses can move at a decent speed, making it easier to explore the game world.

Characteristics and properties of horses
There are different colors of horses in the game. When creating animals, the generator separately selects the location of the marks and spots (there are 5 options), the color of the main coat (there are 7 options), the color of the legs (4 more options) and the types of marks on the face (there are 8 varieties), all this gives a very large number of possible options.
Horses differ in parameters (jump height, health, running speed), which do not depend on color, but are directly related to pedigree. If you aim to breed horses, you can breed a very good horse.
Horses were recently introduced, so they are more refined and more lively than other creatures. They can flap their tails, rears up to show displeasure, and eat grass. These animals can only be found in the plains.
Horse diet
If a horse is injured, you can improve its health with wheat, sugar, an apple or a recently introduced sheaf of hay. If there is a lot of reeds growing near your house, or you have built a farm of this plant for yourself, use sugar for treating horses, this is the "cheapest" of all.
For horse breeding, you need golden apples or golden carrots. If you are lucky enough to find carrots in the game, be sure to start growing them, you will need nuggets to create a golden carrot from it, ingots to create a golden apple, and each ingot consists of nine nuggets. In addition, apples only occasionally fall out of the foliage of trees, which makes it difficult to establish their stable production.
To make a golden apple, place a regular red apple in the center slot on the workbench and surround it with gold bars. To get golden carrots, you need to follow a similar scheme, but use nuggets. They can be obtained by killing zombie pigmen, or you can "disassemble" an ordinary ingot into pieces. To do this, simply place it in the middle slot of the workbench and take the nuggets from the result slot.
For breeding, feed two horses with golden carrots or an apple, after which you will see the animation of hearts, the animals will come closer to each other and a foal will appear next to them. It can be grown by feeding it sugar, apples, wheat, or a sheaf of hay. A foal can get better stats than its parents. Keep in mind that a captive reared foal will still need to be tamed once it reaches adulthood.