How To Buy Awp Through The Console

How To Buy Awp Through The Console
How To Buy Awp Through The Console

Table of contents:


If you love playing Counter Strike and love killing your enemies with awp, you will be very upset when you find yourself on a server where the purchase of this rifle is prohibited. The console command will help to fix this situation, with which you can buy awp.

How to buy awp through the console
How to buy awp through the console

It is necessary

  • - Counter Strike game;
  • - keyboard.


Step 1

Go to the game. Select the server you plan to play on. Choose a team of terrorists or police officers. To do this, click on the "M" button. Press the "1" key if you want to play as terrorists, or on the "2" key if you are going to go over to the side of the police. Wait for the start of the next round when you appear at your base.

Step 2

Click on the "~" button. The console will open in front of you, at the bottom of the window there is an input line. Type the command buy weapon_awp. After that, a rifle will appear in your hands. Press the "u" key to buy cartridges if you do not want to be left unarmed during the battle.

Step 3

You can create a "hotkey", when you press it, you immediately get awp, if you do not want to type a console command after every death. To do this, click on the "~" button to open the console. In the window that opens, type bind p "buy weapon_awp". Now, when you press the "P" key, you will automatically buy your favorite rifle, even if it is banned on the server. With this console command, you can assign any other key to buy weapons.
