It is not easy to find a good job today. Very often they are not satisfied with the level of pay, working conditions, or simply do not have enough professional skills in order to apply for the desired position. It is especially difficult to find work for people living in small provincial towns where production and infrastructure are poorly developed. What to do in a similar situation? The answer is simple - try to find a job on the Internet and make money from the comfort of your home.

It is necessary
Computer, unlimited internet
Step 1
Working through the Internet is good, first of all, because it does not imply any restrictions on age, gender, education level or appearance. Only your professional and business qualities are important. In addition, it is ideal for people who, for some reason, cannot leave their home for a long time: young mothers, disabled people, people with disabilities, etc. This income does not imply a rigid schedule and allows you to work at a comfortable pace.
Step 2
Before looking for a suitable business for yourself on the network, you need to decide what exactly you need: it will be just a side job from time to time or the main source of income on which your financial well-being depends. If you expect to make a living on the Internet, you will have to tune in to a full-time job in advance for 5-8 hours at least 5 days a week. Having figured out how much time you are ready to devote to working in the network, you can proceed to the analysis of your professional skills. In other words, determine for yourself what exactly you can and want to do, what kind of work you may like.
Step 3
On the Internet today, you can make good money in two main ways: as a remote worker (freelancer), when you work for someone and get a certain reward for it, or develop your own business. In the first case, you will need certain skills: web design, programming, writing advertising or SEO texts, collecting information. At the initial stage, the main difficulty for a freelancer is finding customers. You should not immediately count on high fees and an abundance of orders, first you have to prove yourself well and form a circle of regular customers.
Step 4
You can start looking for customers with a variety of freelance exchanges, such as Free-lance, Weblancer, Netlancer and similar portals. Freelance exchanges are special platforms where potential customers and performers meet. Here you can make useful contacts, get your first orders and gain experience as an independent professional. In order for you to be initially perceived as a serious specialist and reliable employee, you need to present yourself correctly. First of all, you should take care of a decent portfolio that will present you to a potential customer. If you do not have successfully sold works yet, do not be upset. You can always make several small orders for free for a positive review and place them in your portfolio. Or, you can specially prepare several works that can demonstrate your skills (write a couple of articles, design a conditional site, offer a sample script, etc.). Having received the first orders, try to fulfill them as accurately and on time as possible. This will make a positive impression on the client and build you a consistent reputation.
Step 5
Currently, remote work is becoming more and more widespread in Runet. It differs from traditional freelancing in that in this case there is one permanent employer. In this case, a fixed remuneration (salary) is paid monthly or weekly. Such work is not much different from the usual office work, the only difference is that you work at home, and you receive the fee by bank transfer or electronic payment system. As a rule, remote programmers, content managers, and news feed creators work on similar conditions today.
Step 6
You can conduct your own online business in the same way in two directions: making money on your websites or developing your personal info-business. In the first case, income is obtained from working with contextual advertising or various affiliate programs, selling links and posting paid articles. In the case of an info-business, you create a kind of information service (your training course, newsletter, consultation system or online training) and promote it among Internet users.