How To Pay From A Webmoney Wallet

How To Pay From A Webmoney Wallet
How To Pay From A Webmoney Wallet

Table of contents:


Payment system WebMoney is one of the most popular electronic payment systems. With the help of webmoney, you can quickly pay many bills. And the plus of this system is not only that the payment goes to the right account almost instantly, but also that you don't need to leave home to pay.

How to pay from a webmoney wallet
How to pay from a webmoney wallet

It is necessary

To do this, you need a ruble wallet in the WebMoney system and the presence of the Internet


Step 1

Start your Keeper, wait for it to connect to the service center.

Step 2

Go to the "My WebMoney" tab.

Step 3

Select the option "Spend on purchases or pay for services" and click on "Internet access".

Step 4

In the new window, you will see the icons of the various providers. Find yours and click on its logo.

Step 5

In the next window, enter your contract number and the amount you want to deposit into your account.

Step 6

Click "Pay", enter the code that the system will indicate to you, and just wait for the message about the payment. All this will take just a couple of minutes.
