The energy contained within the body is called internal. To find out its amount, it is enough to multiply the square of the body mass by the speed of light. In practice, however, it is impossible to extract all this energy - only a relatively small part of it can be extracted.

Step 1
In combustible substances, internal energy is contained in a chemical form. To extract it, burn the body in an air atmosphere, while simultaneously converting the resulting heat into mechanical or electrical energy using a steam engine, Stirling engine, thermocouple, etc. Some bodies burn only in an atmosphere of pure oxygen, chlorine or other gases, and refuse to react with air even when heated. Perform experiments of this kind only in the presence of a physics or chemistry teacher.
Step 2
In the battery, the form of storage of internal energy is also chemical. Plates or cylinders made of metals that easily react, for example, zinc or lithium, act as "storages" here. As long as the element is not connected to anything, its self-discharge is insignificant. Connect a load to it, for example, a light bulb or an electric motor that matches the parameters, and the process of extracting internal energy from the reacting electrode and converting it first into electrical energy and then into light or mechanical energy will begin. Do not short-circuit the element.
Step 3
If a body is located at a certain height relative to the earth's surface, it has potential energy, which depends on mass and height. To extract this energy quickly, turning it into kinetic, throw the body down. You can also remove it slowly by hanging the body on a pendulum clock chain as a weight. The load will descend at a low speed, gradually giving up its energy to the watch mechanism.
Step 4
Buy a glow-in-the-dark toy or sticker. Bring it to a light source - and the phosphor contained in it will be "charged" with the energy of electromagnetic waves. To extract energy from the phosphor now, simply turn off the light. The phosphor will begin to emit light on its own, but with much lower brightness.
Step 5
The most energy-intensive are nuclear, and especially thermonuclear sources. They allow you to extract from the body a huge amount of energy that cannot be obtained from it in other ways. Do not try these experiments yourself - they are extremely dangerous.