How To Add Monitoring To The Site

How To Add Monitoring To The Site
How To Add Monitoring To The Site

Table of contents:


When creating your own site, it becomes necessary to track the number of visits by its users and the availability of the server itself. Sometimes it is important to find out exactly where people come to the portal from most often. This can be done using various services and monitoring scripts, since there are a great many of them on the Internet.

How to add monitoring to the site
How to add monitoring to the site


  • - server or hosting;
  • - an account in one of the monitoring systems;
  • - CMS;
  • - visit counter;


Step 1

Checking the site using monitoring systems allows you to fully control the project. There are paid and free services that differ in functionality and technical support. Many paid systems have additional options, such as sending SMS notifications and setting the frequency of checks. The main difference between paid monitoring and free monitoring is how often scanning is performed. The paid service is able to do this once a minute, while the frequency of the free one varies from 5 minutes and more. An excellent server monitoring is Down-notifier. It is free, supports all kinds of notifications (via Twitter, email), and checks every 10 minutes. Similar services are provided by other foreign systems, for example, website-monitoring.

Step 2

Many modern CMSs also have similar functionality. The most popular ones have a statistics item in their settings, which displays the average time of the site, the number of requests to the database and registered users.

Step 3

If we are talking about an ordinary service that will simply register visits, then there is a hitcounter resource that provides a variety of counters to choose from, which can be easily matched to the site design. To do this, you just need to register an account and copy the HTML code to insert into your page.
