Computers and computer networks are complex tools, the interaction of which may not always affect the way their creators intended. No, we are not talking about the uprising of machines, but the loss of even one document as a result of a hardware error can lead to serious problems, say, for the accounting department of a company. It is for the preventive detection of such errors that vulnerability scanners were created.

Web vulnerability scanners are software tools that diagnose and monitor network computers. These programs allow you to scan networks, computers, and applications for potential security problems. A good web vulnerability scanner not only evaluates but also removes weaknesses that can be exploited by attackers - hackers, scammers or virtual hooligans. Web vulnerability scanners are divided into port scanners, scanners that examine the topology of a computer network, scanners that investigate the vulnerabilities of network services, network worms and CGI scanners that help find vulnerable scripts Scanner is a two-edged utility. On the one hand, a web vulnerability scanner can work on your side and under your direction, detecting flaws in your own working system. On the other hand, there are also malicious scanners. As a rule, the work of a web vulnerability scanner begins with monitoring active IP addresses and ports, analyzing running applications and the operating system. The Web Vulnerability Scanner then analyzes the data and determines the level of potential interference with the OS or a specific application. Based on this data, a report is drawn up on the security of the computer or the entire network. However, a malicious web crawler does not stop there - it uses the received data and causes the application or the entire system to crash, taking advantage of the found "hole." If we talk about the web environment in general and its specific parts, then, as a rule, most of these "- this is a consequence of incorrect operation of one or another algorithm for filtering incoming data. When using a web vulnerability scanner for your computer, you must remember that the most complete picture of the security of the infrastructure can only be obtained by complex analysis methods. However, one scanner is enough for a home computer.