How To Install The Site Engine

How To Install The Site Engine
How To Install The Site Engine

The vast majority of sites operate on the basis of a content management system. To ensure the correct and uninterrupted operation of a web resource, it is important to know how to properly install the site engine.

How to install the site engine
How to install the site engine

What is a site engine?

Each web resource should have convenient tools for adding, deleting and editing pages. Such means can be provided by the administrative part of the site engine. In addition to these capabilities, the administrative part of the control system should imply the ability to create and delete users, as well as differentiate access rights to objects.

Installing the site engine

In order for the site to start working on a specific content management system, it must be installed. Distributions of some engines contain a special file, by running which, you can do all the necessary steps to install the system without special knowledge: the program will do everything that is needed.

Regardless of whether such a program is included in the engine distribution kit or not, any system must first be loaded into a special folder on the hosting. To do this, you need to know the details of access to FTP. For the correct start of the installation of some engines, it is required to change the access rights to some files included in the system distribution kit.

If the installed system has a special file that will guide you through the entire process, you should run it in your browser. To do this, open any browser and go to, where is the name of the domain on which the site will run, and install.php is the name of the installer file. The file can be named differently. In this case, you should replace it with the correct one in the above address.

If such a program does not exist, then all procedures will have to be performed manually. For more correct instructions, you should refer to the help file that comes with any site engine.

Most engines work using a database. Even if the wizard is used during the system setup and installation process, it most likely does not have sufficient rights to create the database. This step must be done manually.

At the end of the installation of any engine, a very important step follows - the creation of a user. He will be the system administrator. Any person who logs into the administrative part of the site engine under the created username and password will receive unlimited rights in the management system. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the security of this data.

An indicator of the correctness of the installation will be a working site. If the system was installed on the domain, then after the engine is installed and configured, the start page should be displayed at without errors.


Competent installation of the content management system is the key to the correct operation of the web resource. Paying due attention to the security of manually entered data, as well as correctly setting the access rights to certain files, you can ensure the smooth operation of the website for a long time.
