Where To Download Free EBooks

Where To Download Free EBooks
Where To Download Free EBooks

Digital libraries have turned the reader's mind about how to get books. Of course, you need to pay for literature if you want to show respect for the author and find out interesting information. However, most book lovers still prefer to do it for free.

There are never too many books
There are never too many books

Free literature does not necessarily violate copyright. Often these are classics that have been known to everyone for a long time, reference books available for download from various resources, albums, applications and other publications that do not require monetary compensation for reading them. And among the great variety of sites where you can find and download interesting books, there are generally recognized resources that everyone should know about.

Different books are needed, different books are important

You can make a small list of the best book libraries in the opinion of book lovers:

lib.ru - "Library of Maxim Moshkov". Probably the oldest, most respectable place filled with fiction and reference literature in the Runet segment. Here are collected classic works, reference books, samizdat. There was even a place for music and photo albums. It is from this site that a beginner Internet reader should start mastering book libraries. Books are opened in a browser and then saved to your computer.

www.aldebaran.ru is a slightly less well-known and younger library. Some of the books in it can be downloaded, while others can only be purchased. A well-organized interface allows you to quickly find the right author and book.

ihtik.lib.ru - "Ichtik's library". Created in 2002 in Ufa. Contains invaluable materials on many humanities and exact sciences. As a nice bonus, you can order collections of the project on DVD or HDD media. A lot of useful information for scientists, schoolchildren, students, simply interested in various aspects of human life. You can download individual works or entire archives in different directions. In the latter case, the file size can reach tens of gigabytes.

www.rusneb.ru - "National Electronic Library". Unique catalogs from universal collections to periodicals, sheet music collections and early printed books. It is of great interest to all people from a personal or professional point of view. Many books and documents are available online without registration. For others, you need to get an account.

www.gumer.info - "The Gumer Library" is an excellent resource for all lovers of the humanitarian direction in the study of everything and everyone. There are a lot of documents in various languages available for reading online or downloading.

Warning to readers

The world of the Internet opens up almost endless prospects for readers and simply looking for the necessary information. However, do not forget that downloading any literature requires gratitude to the author of the work or the resource where it was received. And if you observe this simple postulate, there will be more books, they will be more accessible, and everyone will benefit.
