Every Internet user knows that the quality of work in the network largely depends on the connection speed, which, in turn, is in direct proportion to the bandwidth of channels and switching devices.

- - Internet connection;
- - browser.
Step 1
The provider connection system consists of several sections, namely: the traffic exchange center between telecom operators (in Russia - Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg), then the section between this exchange center and your provider, and the final section is the last mile, located between the provider and your computer. In the last section, the connection speed is usually higher than stated in the contract. The rate limit depends on the provider's equipment.
Step 2
Internet speed can be measured in several ways. You can see the readings of the download manager and the readings of the browser. You can also view the counter of your modem or network adapter. There are also special programs - IP protocol counters, firewall programs.
Step 3
However, the download manager readings will only give you the download speed from the given site, as well as the browser readings. This speed does not depend on the communication channels. The modem and adapter counters show the connection speed to the provider's equipment. The real speed, most likely, differs from the negotiated one.
Step 4
IP counters correctly count information sent and received from a particular site, just like firewall programs do. Therefore, it is customary to calculate the Internet speed on the section between your computer and the traffic exchange center. There are special sites for this, for example: speedtest.net, speed.yoip.ru, softholm.com and many others. Open them in a browser. Then follow the directions given on their pages. For the most accurate determination, unload all programs that may affect the speed measurement.
Step 5
After a while, on the site you will see the speed of your Internet connection, the delay in the transmission of packets. If you are not satisfied with the speed, you must notify the provider about this, indicating the site that you used to determine the speed.
Step 6
Keep in mind that the average determined speed will most likely be slightly lower than the negotiated speed, and this is normal. But, of course, only if its figures differ from the contractual ones slightly.