How To Know That A Letter Has Been Read

How To Know That A Letter Has Been Read
How To Know That A Letter Has Been Read

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You enter the last words, write "Regards, …" and click "Submit". And then several times a day you open your mail page with the hope of getting an answer to an important letter. Or call the recipient to ask if he read your message, which is sometimes not very convenient. This situation is familiar to many who have to contact representatives of different organizations in the course of their work. So how do you know that a letter has been read without unnecessary hassle for yourself and your partners?

How to know that a letter has been read
How to know that a letter has been read


Step 1

If you use Microsoft Office Outlook or a similar program to send messages, then you can easily configure delivery and read notifications for the letters you send. When preparing your message for sending, fill in the text information and attach the necessary files. Then you need to put a check mark next to the selected item in the "Options" pop-up menu, the "Tracking" tab. It only takes a couple of seconds, but you will know immediately when your letter reaches the addressee.

Step 2

On the e-mail services, and others, you can also configure the functions of notifications and delivery of letters. To find the required field to enable such settings when preparing a message for sending, you need to open the "additional options" menu or make the hidden fields of the "New message" page visible, and then put a checkmark next to the desired item. Unfortunately, these properties when working with mail are not available on all mail portals.

Step 3

Another way to find out about the reading of your letter is the question posed in it. When composing such a message, you need to write everything clearly and understandably, preferably in the minimum size, so that the recipient does not close it with thoughts: "Then I will reread …", but immediately understand the essence of the matter. At the end, you put a final question, which your interlocutor can answer in one or two words, so as not to waste a lot of time on this. So you can immediately find out not only when your letter has been read, but also find out the recipient's opinion on the issue that interests you.
