Roskomnadzor is the state supervisory authority in the field of communications and the Internet. In a matter of minutes, representatives of this department can block any site, even the most famous, if its content does not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Therefore, any site owner needs to know why his resource can be "banned" by the state.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 139-FZ of July 28, 2012, the Russian Federation has a Unified Register of Domain Names, Site Indexes on the Internet and Network Addresses, allowing the identification of sites containing information that is prohibited from being distributed in the Russian Federation, widely known like the Registry of Banned Sites. The register and activities of Roskomnadzor (which is in charge of it) became widely known thanks to the blocking of major Internet services such as Livejournal, Wikipedia, Facebook, YouTube and many others. However, not only large services can be blocked - in fact, Roskomnadzor can be interested in any resource. It is important for a modern webmaster to understand how sites attract the attention of Roskomnadzor.
Drugs, suicide and child pornography
It is the presence of content that is similar in content to these topics that is the main factor that entails the pre-trial closure of an Internet resource. Moreover, the boundaries of these topics are rather wide and vague: for example, Roskomnadzor classifies many drawn images of the hentai genre as child pornography, and the YouTube service got into the registry because of a video in which a girl puts on makeup in such a way as to depict suicide (Google said that the said video does not call for suicide, but the court dismissed the complaint).
Information, the dissemination of which is prohibited by a court decision
This information includes online casinos, offers to sell fake documents, and a wide range of other materials:
Extremist materials and extremist appeals
Content on the site pages of content included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials will generate interest from Roskomnadzor. The list itself consists of prohibited music, movies, books, articles, brochures, flyers, and websites. Extremist materials also include calls (including veiled ones) to hold unauthorized rallies: thus, the posting of political manifestos and even news may entail blocking.
Copyright infringing material
The site can be blocked even if it contains content that violates copyright laws. It should be noted that the law applies to any objects of copyright.
Blocking by mistake and other cases
A situation is possible in which the site may be blocked, although it does not contain prohibited information. The current implementation of the law allows blocking resources by IP address and by subnet. While one IP address can belong to several dozen or even hundreds of sites. In this case, blocking one Internet resource automatically leads to the blocking of all other websites, regardless of the content posted on them.