The success of website search engine promotion directly depends on the correct choice of queries. First, you need to understand what queries are popular and can bring you profit. And secondly, to determine which of them belong to low-frequency and mid-frequency. After all, it is effective to start promotion with these groups of requests.

Website promotion requests are keywords or phrases used by Internet users to search for information about specific products, services, etc. All search queries are divided into three types: low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency. In addition, an additional category “long tail” is highlighted.
Low frequency queries
These are keywords that Internet users use to search for information no more than 1,000 times a month. The search is carried out using special search engines, the most famous of which are Yandex and Google.
Examples of low-frequency queries are “buy cheap spare parts in Moscow” and “Lenta Style dress, model 1068”.
By creating a page for low-frequency keywords, you will attract your first audience to the site. And in two months (or maybe less) your site will get into the TOP-10 search engines for the queries you are promoting.
Mid-frequency queries
Most popular queries. In search engines, they are entered from 1,000 to 10,000 times a month.
An example of midrange queries is “asus monitors”.
You should start promoting by keywords in this category when you have already taken at least some positions in the search for low-frequency words.
To promote MF requests, it is necessary to carry out internal linking between the pages of the site, as well as purchase external links from third-party Internet resources. In doing so, it is important that third-party sites have a good reputation and trust, and that links do not look like outright spam.
High-frequency queries
The keywords in this category are the most popular among Internet users. This group includes queries that appear on search pages more than 10,000 times a month.
An example of an RF request is "Apple".
To be in the top for this kind of words, you need patience, attention and hard work. The term for getting into the top ten sites for high-frequency requests can take from six months or more.
Before you tackle the promotion of high-frequency queries, you must firmly gain a foothold in the mid-frequency and low-frequency words. Internal linking should be in perfect condition, and external linking mass on verified sites should be steadily increasing. In addition, you will have to become familiar with concepts such as "behavioral factors" and "promotion through articles".
A long tail
Queries for which users are looking for information even less often than low-frequency ones.
An example of a long tail is the Alcatel one touch phone reviews.
These keywords are often promoted naturally. And if not, then they should be given attention. After all, if a user goes to the site for such a request, the probability of buying a product or service is 99%.