How To Write A Unique Article With Five Thousand Characters

How To Write A Unique Article With Five Thousand Characters
How To Write A Unique Article With Five Thousand Characters

For a novice author, it seems difficult to write an article five thousand characters long, and even one with absolute uniqueness. However, it is not that difficult. The volume, at first frightening, actually turns out to be equal to two pages of printed text. Suffice it to recall the school where you had to write longer essays.

How to write a unique article with five thousand characters
How to write a unique article with five thousand characters

As for the uniqueness, then everything is not so scary here either. If the article is written in your own words, in living language, and not in stereotyped expressions, then there is a high probability that there are not so many identical phrases on the Internet.

Article "out of the head"

This is the easiest way to make your article unique even with such a large amount of text. True, for this one indispensable condition must be observed: the author must be competent in the topic of the article, have enough information that he would like and could share with the readers. Then the use of additional sources will simply cease to be necessary, and the text may even have to be shortened, because broad knowledge and experience on a subject in which the author is a specialist, it is not so easy to organize and compress to five thousand characters.

Unfortunately, topics that are interesting and thoroughly familiar to the author cannot be chosen every time. But this does not prevent you from finding other ways to write a long, unique article.

Using video

Another good way to create a unique article is to process and organize video materials. After watching a video (or even better - more than one) on the proposed topic, summarizing and structuring the information received, you can write a good detailed article. The fact is that the video materials contain a fairly large amount of information, and it is quite difficult to find printed analogs of these materials - and this is the right way to achieve uniqueness.

As a source of information, it is better to take professional TV shows, documentaries, and not amateur video - such materials are already quite clearly systematized and structured, and the facts set out in the video deserve more confidence.

Deep rewriting across multiple sources

If personal knowledge is not enough, and you could not find video materials on the topic, you can also use the printed word. But taking a single source and writing a simple rewrite or, even more so, synonymizing is far from the best way to achieve uniqueness.

Synonymizing is the most primitive way of rewriting, when words in the original article are replaced with synonyms, and the structure of the sentence is preserved.

It would be much more correct to find several articles on the topic, sufficiently detailed and detailed, read them carefully and try to convey the information received in your own words. Naturally, the more sources there are, the more reliable and informative they are, the better the article will be.

If possible, it is preferable to use printed publications rather than Internet resources. Better, of course, with books, but you can also take articles from periodicals. It would be very nice if the source was published in the "pre-Internet" era - it is less likely that its copy will be found on the Internet.

This remark applies primarily to magazine and newspaper articles.

But even when using printed sources, it is better not to be limited to one of them, but to glean material from two or three articles - this way it will be easier to achieve the required volume and the necessary uniqueness.