How To View The Internal Ip

How To View The Internal Ip
How To View The Internal Ip

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An internal IP address is assigned to a user to work in a local network environment and when accessing internal network data. It is not used when accessing the Internet and connecting to external servers. The internal IP can be found in several ways that are available by default on systems of the Windows family.

How to see the internal ip
How to see the internal ip


Step 1

Go to Start - Control Panel - View Network Status and Tasks - Change Adapter Settings. In the window that appears, right-click on the active local connection and select the "Status" menu. The shortcut you need may be called Local Area Connection or be the same as your ISP.

Step 2

In the window that opens, click on the "Details" link. The screen will display the parameters of the current connection, including the IP address used. For a faster check of the IP used, you can also right-click on the local network icon in the tray and select the "Status" parameter.

Step 3

To find out the address used to connect to the LAN, you can use the command line. Click on the "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Command Prompt". You can also find the console by typing cmd in the program search bar on the Start menu.

Step 4

In the new window, enter the following command:

ipconfig / all

All current parameters of the network card will be displayed on the screen. The address will be listed in the "IP Address" line of the Ethernet section.

Step 5

If you need to edit specific settings for your network, use the Windows Control Panel menu. Go to "Change adapter parameters", right-click on the icon of the local connection used and select "Properties". In the list that appears, select the type of protocol used (most often Ipv4), and then click "Properties" again. A window for editing parameters will open.
