Online stores are very widespread; a wide variety of goods can be purchased online. Usually, specialized engines created by professional programmers are used to create such a resource. But sometimes the site owner may decide to write the required code on his own. One of the tasks to be solved is to create a basket to which customers add selected products.

It is necessary
- - access to the Internet;
- - programming skills in PHP or JavaScript.
Step 1
Start creating a shopping cart by defining the algorithm for its operation. Having entered the online store, the buyer should be able to view the list of products and select (highlight) the desired one. After that, he clicks on the button "Add to cart", while information about the selected product (ID) and its quantity is saved on the site in the database. When all the goods necessary for the buyer are placed in the basket, the transition to the payment procedure follows - that is, pressing the "Pay" button. As a rule, settlement is carried out by bank card or electronic money.
Step 2
In the event that an unauthorized buyer left the site without making a payment, the file with information about the selected products must be deleted. If the user is authorized, it is better to save the information, giving him the opportunity to continue the procedure for purchasing the previously selected goods at the next entrance to the site. Also, the buyer should be able to empty the cart or remove some items from it.
Step 3
Based on the algorithm of work, it is clear that the site should have buttons "Add to cart" and "Pay". In addition, you need to display the quantity of the item, its price, and the total purchase price. You can add a button "View cart", when you click on which will display a complete list of selected products, their quantity and cost. On the same page, you should also implement the ability to empty the basket or refuse some product. All of these functions must be provided in the shopping cart script.
Step 4
Select the language in which you will write the script. Usually it is created in PHP, but the shopping cart can be implemented in JavaScript, the latter is easier. On the net you can find a ready-made suitable script and modify it as needed. This is the best option, since there is no point in writing code from scratch when there is already a ready-made solution. A large number of PHP and JavaScript sources are posted on the website.
Step 5
It should be understood that the code of an online store or its elements, written by a non-professional, is the cherished dream of a hacker. As a rule, a self-written engine almost always contains a large number of vulnerabilities, especially if the programmer is not experienced in such matters. Therefore, it is better to use a ready-made solution and, if necessary, modify it. Be sure to read about the typical mistakes made by the authors of such programs. Do not forget that the information about the CVV-code of bank cards of the resource's clients should not be stored on the website of the online store.