How To Find A Song And Listen To It

How To Find A Song And Listen To It
How To Find A Song And Listen To It

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Sometimes you hear some song, it will sink into the soul; and what kind of song, who sings it, you do not know. Surely many have found themselves in such a situation. And if earlier you and I had to suffer ourselves and torment our friends by humming melodies and further questioning, now the Internet comes to the rescue. With him, we will definitely find out, not only the name of the song, but also the artist.

How to find a song and listen to it
How to find a song and listen to it

It is necessary

internet, computer with flash-player installed


Step 1

Option 1 (for those who are registered in the social network "Vkontakte")

Go to your account on the site, open the section "My audio recordings"

Step 2

If you know who sings the song and what it is called, enter this data in the "Search by songs and artists" line, press Enter and listen to the song online. If you do not know who is singing, and you only remember one line, it doesn’t matter. Enter the phrase you remember on the same line. Surely some of the "contact" users have placed a track you love on their page with just that name.

Turn it on and enjoy.

Step 3

Option 2 (for those who heard the song on the radio and did not remember a single line).

Just remember the approximate time when the track was played on the air. If you remember the station, it will be very good.

Go to the site, click on the link "What song was played today, …" In the window that appears, select the date and time, click "Find"

Step 4

You will see track lists of 53 leading radio stations for a specified period of time.

Select the station you want, browse through all the songs, and you will definitely be able to find the song that you like so much. Turn on, listen.

Step 5

Unfortunately, (as you might guess from the name) provides information exclusively on the metropolitan stations. True, the whole of Russia listens to them, so it is very likely that it is on this site that you will find out what was playing on the radio while you were driving to work in a minibus 

Residents of the northern capital should pay attention to the site He has nothing to do with the film of the same name. But in all respects it repeats its Moscow counterpart, only oriented, naturally, to the St. Petersburg stations

In addition, there are sites and programs that allow you to determine the title of a song by a 15-second excerpt from it (, But they are usually used only for entertainment ("I wonder if the site knows this song or not?"). For most, this content is of no practical value.
