How To Play Talking Tom Cat

How To Play Talking Tom Cat
How To Play Talking Tom Cat

How quickly time flies, at first the games "Electronics" were popular among adolescents and young people, then - the animal "Tamagotchi", and now all owners of devices running on the Android operating system are pleased with "Talking Tom Cat".

How to play
How to play

"Talking Tom Cat" is a new toy of the kind of simulation games. You get a virtual cat that is literally controlled by your hands. He lives, eats, plays, responds with affection to affection and aggression to aggression.

This animal gives you flowers and cheers you up with its funny voice.

By the way, Tom will repeat all the actions after you.

And everything would be fine if it were not for the annoying dog, who strives to piss off our Tom from himself. This "wonderful neighbor" of the kitten is named Ben, he has a malevolent character. He constantly provokes Tom, he can kick him, tease him, and do every possible dirty trick. To which our striped friend responds only with grumbling and discontent.

The toy is easy to operate, it is adapted for devices with a touch screen. You can press on any point on the cat, and he will begin to react.

When you enter the application, you immediately see an animal with sad eyes, this makes you want to help. However, Tom may show claws, namely, scratch your display from the back. But don't worry about the device: Tom scratches as virtually as he lives.

This is an imitation, but of sufficient quality. If you press the necessary button, Tom will come closer, take out the sparkling claws and, with a terrible creak, begin to scratch your glass from the inside, leaving white stripes. This is not for long, soon the cat will return to its original position, and the scratches will disappear by themselves.

"Talking Tom Cat" is the dream of any mother at any time. Almost a real pet, which does not need to be cleaned, while it is also able to amuse and delight.

But beware: Tom isn't always familiar with good manners.
