How Much Does Lowe Cost In World Of Tanks

How Much Does Lowe Cost In World Of Tanks
How Much Does Lowe Cost In World Of Tanks

Lowe ("Lion") - German premium heavy tank level 8 in the game World of Tanks. One of the most popular tanks in its category alongside the Soviet T-34 tank.

How much does lowe cost in world of tanks
How much does lowe cost in world of tanks

In the in-game store, its cost is equal to 12,500 units of in-game gold, which is equal to 50 US dollars. In the premium store for this money, you can purchase a tank along with a slot for it. And during the holidays, you can buy it in the premium store with a small discount, most often equal to 10%. Payment can be made from a bank card or through payment systems, the list of which is presented in the wot premium store.

There are sites on the Internet that offer Lowe at a price significantly lower than the official one. The owners of these sites claim to work with Wargaming and sell officially approved bonus codes. All you need to do is enter the bonus code on the world of tanks website, and Lowe will appear in the hangar. You should not trust these sites, especially since the Wargaming management does not confirm the fact of cooperation with them.

Why Lowe is worth the money

One of the main advantages of Lowe is its weapon: accurate, large-caliber, with good penetration and one-time damage. It is these characteristics of the gun that allow the tank to inflict a large amount of damage in battle, and this directly affects the profitability of the tank.

According to many tank players, the Lowe, along with the Soviet T-34, is the most comfortable and most profitable Tier 8 premium tank in the game. This is largely due to the excellent elevation angles. For the IS-6, for example, hitting a stone or a bump may prevent it from aiming at the enemy. And "Lion" and T-34 can shoot even from behind a hill, showing the enemy a well-armored tower.

The frontal armor of the tower is very good - it is not penetrated by almost all the enemy of the "Lion". And its streamlined shape makes opponents' projectiles often ricochet on impact.

Excellent visibility and high-precision cannon make it an excellent opportunity to sniper fire from behind bushes or apply support tactics for main tanks. Unlike many large-caliber guns of other combat vehicles, the projectile's flight speed is quite high. The enemy tank will not have time to drive away while the ammunition is flying. Ammunition is sufficient even for a protracted battle.

Alternative opinion

Lowe has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. One of the most unpleasant is the weak armor for opponents of level 8-10. Of course, it is much higher than that of the French or Japanese, but for players accustomed to armored German vehicles, weak defense is an unpleasant surprise. The sides of the hull and turret are high and can be penetrated by almost all tanks.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of Lowe, the role of a heavy support tank is most effective in playing on it, and not for attacking and pushing defense. Lowe does an excellent job of defending the base or flank, and also when playing in the style of tank destroyers

The next drawback is typical for all German equipment without exception - a high probability of a fire. As already mentioned, Lowe often breaks through the hull's forehead, and each of the penetrations has a high probability of causing a fire. The way out is the use of fire extinguishers, pumping in the fire extinguishing skill for the crew.

Update 0.8.10 added frontal armor to the Lion, improved gun elevation angles, reduced weight, and increased ammunition. And in patch 0.8.11, Lion's average profitability was increased by 5%.

A less noticeable drawback is low speed and maneuverability. The average speed in battle is only 20-25 km / h. Having chosen the direction of attack at the beginning of the battle, it will be difficult to change it. It will also be difficult to return to base and knock down the capture.
