How To Register On Facebook

How To Register On Facebook
How To Register On Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks. The number of those registered in it has exceeded one billion. For comparison, we can say that 2.7 billion people around the world are Internet users, that is, half of them are friends with Facebook. If you want to register on Facebook, but you are not confident in your capabilities, then you should use the step-by-step instructions for this.

How to register on Facebook
How to register on Facebook

Facebook registration

Signing up on Facebook is not difficult at all, this process is completely free. The first step is to go to the home page from any browser. Pay attention to the language of the site. If for some reason the Russian version did not open, then this case is easily fixable. The site is Russified as soon as you click on the "Russian" link, which is at the bottom of the page.

On the main page, a registration window opens, which is easy to fill out by entering your data. No one will check the reliability of the specified data, but I would like to note that even popular people register on Facebook under their own, and not a fictitious name. The specified e-mail must be working, it is its address that will serve as a login to enter the site, and it is to this e-mail that a letter will be sent to confirm registration.

After all the data has been specified, you need to come up with a password containing, in addition to numbers, Latin letters, both lowercase and uppercase. Do not rely on your memory - you must definitely write down the password. After that, click on the green button "Registration".

Registration on Facebook does not end there yet. The following window will open, in which you will be asked to enter your e-mail password to search for friends already registered on the social network. If there is no time or desire to do this, then there is an opportunity to refuse by simply clicking the "Skip this step" link.

However, you will have to confirm your intentions to postpone the search for friends by clicking the "Skip" button when Facebook starts aggressively promoting its recommendations. You can also press the "Skip" button in the next two steps, where you will be asked to indicate your hometown, educational institutions: school, university and even your current employer. It should be noted that everything can be found quite quickly, since all employers and educational institutions are indicated.

Next, you will be prompted to upload your photo for your account. If the photo is on the computer disk, then you can download and install it from there, if not, then it is easy to take a photo using a webcam. If there is no desire to perform these actions yet, then the "Skip" link is clicked again.

The last stage of registration on Facebook is confirmation of this action from the email specified in the registration window. We go to the post office, find the letter, follow the link indicated in it.

After clicking on the link, a window appears with a message about the successful confirmation of the account registration. Then you can already perform those actions for which the registration was made: searching and inviting friends, communication. You can edit the page, upload photos, share videos with friends, links from other sites, schedule events, organize groups. Thus, by registering on Facebook, you can promote your business or business partners.

Registration on Facebook is quite possible without specifying your mobile phone number. But if suddenly, for some reason, access to the page is lost, then using this number it will be much easier to restore your account. So it's best not to neglect the opportunity. You can enter your mobile number in the profile section where contact information is indicated. In this case, your phone will receive an SMS message with a verification code, using which you need to confirm your mobile number. It is clear that not every person has a desire to make it available to all visitors to his page, in this case, setting the "Only me" mobile phone visibility mode will help.

Login to Facebook - My Page

Only after registering on the Facebook social network, your page (My Page) becomes available to you. To get there, go to the main page, enter your e-mail in the appropriate boxes (it is also the login to enter the site) and the password. Click the "Login" button.

If it happens that the password is lost or forgotten, then it is easy to recover it by clicking the "Forgot your password?" Link, which is located under the "Password" window. Next, we follow the instructions.

If you go to Facebook from your home computer and you get annoyed with the constant input of your e-mail and password, then this can be eliminated by ticking the box next to the phrase "Do not log out". It can be found under the line for entering mail or phone. After completing this simple action, you will be taken to your account immediately.
