How To Make A Lot Of Comments In Odnoklassniki

How To Make A Lot Of Comments In Odnoklassniki
How To Make A Lot Of Comments In Odnoklassniki

If a user of the Odnoklassniki website wants to attract as many commentators as possible to his personal page or to the page of a group he has created (the second case is usually more relevant), you should not look for complicated and tricky moves for this. Tips for increasing the number of comments are simple and logical.


How to make a lot of comments on your personal page

Members of the social network usually comment on those posts that aroused some interest in them: videos, photos, text messages, music files, etc. Accordingly, in order for an ordinary "classmate" user to attract more commentators to his page, he needs to fulfill two points:

1. Make as many friends on the social network as possible. It is virtual friends who see all of each other's news in their news feeds. Or you need to specially go to the profile page of some social network participant to see all his "body movements" on the site.

2. Post interesting content that attracts attention as much as possible: rare photo frames, good films, meaningful text posts, etc.

Of course, the interestingness of the content is determined by the target audience, and if the majority of friends on the Odnoklassniki website are far from the art world, they are unlikely to appreciate and want to comment on the publication in which the author talks about the upcoming chamber concert of the famous cellist, a new arthouse film or a wonderful art film. installations. If the author wants his notes on the site to be commented, you should rely on the interests of your friends.

If the user of Odnoklassniki wants to attract as many commentators to his page as possible, he should also not make his profile inaccessible for viewing by users of the social network not from the list of friends.

The problem is usually that one user can have friends with a wide variety of hobbies and interests. It can be very difficult to understand what kind of publications will be attractive for such a motley company.

How to make a lot of comments in a group on Odnoklassniki

It is a little easier to guess the interests of the audience of a public page or group in Odnoklassniki. Usually members of one group are already united by some common interest. For example, a group about Thailand, iPhones, electronic music, literature, etc.

Timeliness, relevance and interesting presentation of publications are the three main factors in attracting commentators to public, or group, pages of a social network.

In order for the moderators and administrators of such groups to attract as many commentators as possible, you just need to be able to work with information, present it correctly and publish it in a timely manner. So, in a group dedicated to fans of a rock group, a photo report from the last concert, etc. will certainly attract a lot of comments.