There are many sites on the world wide web that can be a threat to your computer. Also, such sites include resources that are engaged in various types of fraud, distribution of pornographic materials or propaganda of terrorism, etc. Such sites are included in the so-called "black list".

Most blacklisted sites pose a clear or latent threat to your computer by introducing a dangerous virus there, or are a way for hackers to fund their wallet or get passwords from you for the systems where you are registered. Very often they disguise themselves as popular social networks, where in order to register you need to carry out an operation to replenish an unknown account. Or, finding your social network in the search, you may stumble upon information that your account is frozen (blocked). And in the future, you are asked to transfer money to unlock. It should be remembered that companies such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others like them do not charge money for activating your profile.
This type of online scam is called phishing. Internet browser manufacturers have already agreed on ways to combat such sites. In many browsers, a system is turned on that informs the user about the threat and closes access to the site, or warns of the danger and offers to choose whether to follow the link or not. According to the polls, Firefox ranks first. It has been found to be more effective in detecting phishing sites.
However, there are services that look like regular sites, but serve different purposes. Some offer to download video content for a decent amount, which should be transferred to the provided account. On the one hand, it looks like an online store, on the other hand, it encourages young users to spend their parents' funds.
In addition, there is a huge number of sites of extremist and religious orientation, calling to join their ranks. Here, too, the security system will not work, and everything will depend only on your consciousness.
We should also mention the sites that offer various types of earnings. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that you may be asked for money for registration. Or, at a low cost, after success and replenishment of the virtual wallet, you simply will not be able to receive your earned funds. They will either be transferred to the owner or remain in virtual mode. These sites also include various online casinos.