How To Search For A Contact By Id

How To Search For A Contact By Id
How To Search For A Contact By Id

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Finding a person who does not have at least some kind of Internet connection is now quite difficult. There are many reasons for using network resources: study, work, entertainment. Currently, social networks have gained immense popularity: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc. With their help you can find old friends or find new ones. The most unmistakable option is searching by id.

How to find a person by id VKontakte
How to find a person by id VKontakte


  • - computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - registration in the social network VKontakte.


Step 1

It is known that more than a million people have already registered on the VKontakte website. The most common activity of users on a social network is to find friends and acquaintances. When you first go to the site and register, then you are offered to find friends, but, often, these attempts are unsuccessful. Most often, because the majority does not put their photos, but simple pictures, and this leads to a dead end. There are situations when a user has decided to remain incognito and simply uses a pseudonym. It happens that the name and surname are known, but according to the request there are several dozen people.

Step 2

To avoid various misunderstandings, you can use the user's personal id to search for a contact. The id is a number that is assigned after registration on the resource. This will allow you to instantly jump to the page of the right person, because two identical IDs do not exist. If you need the fastest and most accurate way to find acquaintances, then id is just what you need. The main task remains to find out this id. But if a friend gave you the address of his VKontakte page, then the search is reduced to a minimum set of actions.

Step 3

Find the address bar of your browser. It's at the very top of the page, below the taskbar. The taskbar is the line where the name (not the address) of the site you are visiting at the moment is written, and its favicon (picture). Now all that remains is to write to the address bar After a slash (a slash in the address) write the id you know and press enter. Now the page of the person you need will be displayed in front of you.
