How To Shoot Counter Strike

How To Shoot Counter Strike
How To Shoot Counter Strike

Just holding down the left mouse button to shoot Counter-Strike is not enough. Depending on the weapon chosen, the technique can vary significantly. The main thing is to constantly train and closely monitor experienced players.

How to shoot counter strike
How to shoot counter strike

If you just hold down the left mouse button, the scope of your weapon will very soon go up incredibly high. This style of shooting is only suitable when the enemy is close to you. Otherwise, you simply won't be able to properly align the scope for accurate shooting. If you want to win, you have to learn how to handle weapons.

Shooting technique

Shoot with burst or single fire. In this case, the bullet will fly directly to the center of the sight or slightly higher. Train on bots. Choose the weapon you need and see how accurately the cartridges fly. Adjust the position of the scope to always hit where you aim. However, bots can rarely match real players, so move on to real matches soon.

Learn the strafe technique. Its essence lies in the fact that you make 2-3 shots, take a couple of steps to the side, stop and repeat all the same, but in a mirror image. Under no circumstances should you shoot on the move: the trajectory of the bullet will be too unpredictable. It is necessary to constantly stop. But if you are just in one place, opponents will quickly destroy you. The strafe technique eliminates both of these disadvantages.

Handling weapons

First you need to learn how to handle machine guns, as this is the most common type of weapon. They work great at all ranges, but are designed primarily for medium combat. If you do not have a specific specialization, then it is better to buy this particular option. The most popular models are AK47 and M4A1.

Use the "strafe" technique, as well as seated (close range) shooting. For example, if you hear that the enemy is behind an obstacle, you can quickly jump out, sit down and shoot him back to back. Another popular option is aiming the scope. It is only suitable for professionals. The bottom line is that an experienced player can track where the sight will deviate and, accordingly, change the firing trajectory.

Pistols are designed for close-range fire. Most often they are used as an alternative to the sniper rifle. Use 1-2 rounds shooting, aiming at the neck area. This way you can do maximum damage without losing accuracy.

The sniper rifle game is one of the most challenging. Accuracy here will almost always be maximum, but the speed of movement and safety at close range is not at the best level. Sit in an ambush and wait for the player to appear. After firing, quickly change location and continue firing.
