How To Make Money On File Hosting

How To Make Money On File Hosting
How To Make Money On File Hosting

Anyone can make money in this way without capital investment, without having their own website and without knowledge of various programming languages. The main criterion for this earnings is honesty, the absence of a constant presence on the Internet, the stability of the payment of the money you earned, accessibility and understanding of the essence of the work.

How to make money on file hosting
How to make money on file hosting

How to make money on file hosting and what is the essence of the work?

Probably, each of us has sometime downloaded interesting files from the Internet (movies, music, games, pictures, etc.). Where do we download files from? From torrents or from file sharing. For those who do not know, I will say that in addition to the free distribution of various files, you can earn money by downloading them, and, moreover, very well. The minimum price for 1000 downloads is $ 5. Many newbies are intimidated by this figure, but I think there is nothing to be afraid of here.

The whole secret of this type of earnings lies in the correct publication of your files on special sites, which are also called differently - warez portals. By uploading and publishing your file on 20 such sites, which are visited by several thousand people a day, you can get a good profit.

are Letitbit, Turbobit, Deposit, Vip-file, Rapidgator.

How to make money on file hosting?

In addition to manual posting (adding news to sites), news can also be added using special software (Addnews, Postnews, Filin) to save your time and increase your productivity. Indeed, with the help of such programs, you will publish your news on thousands of such sites in a short period of time. All you need to do is fill out the news itself in the program and press a special button to add news to all sites in the database.

However, these programs have one big drawback - almost all of them are commercial products and cost about $ 20 per copy. But if you seriously decided to do this business, then you should buy them.
