How To Send Your Tax Return Online

How To Send Your Tax Return Online
How To Send Your Tax Return Online

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Sending tax reports, in particular, various declarations via the Internet, saves time, saves nerves and simplifies the process of filling out the document. There is an especially large selection of options for small businesses using a simplified taxation system.

How to send your tax return online
How to send your tax return online


  • - computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - an account in one of the services that provide services for the delivery of electronic reporting;
  • - a book of accounting of income and expenses or financial documents confirming these operations;
  • - accounting software or electronic declaration form;


Step 1

Select the service with which you will send the declaration. The competition in this segment is quite high, so it will take some time to find the best option, but these costs will pay off with the best combination of price and quality for you.

To see the available offers, it is enough to enter into the search bar of any service of this kind, for example, the words "electronic reporting" or "declaration via the Internet".

Various services differ in the order of interaction, price and range of services provided.

Step 2

Having chosen the most suitable service, create an account in it (as a rule, this requires simple registration, and the entered data are automatically used when generating reporting documents in the service interface, if it provides such an opportunity).

Select and pay a tariff plan if the services you are interested in are provided on a reimbursable basis. In some services, the minimum package of tax reporting can be generated and submitted free of charge.

Step 3

Execute a service agreement and a power of attorney for filing electronic reporting on your behalf and submit it to the service, following the instructions on its website. For many, scans of documents certified by your seal and signature are enough. Some may need the original, which will have to be taken to the office or sent there by mail.

Step 4

Having finished with all the preliminary formalities, you can proceed to the declaration of income. Many services allow you to form a declaration right in their interface. This is especially simple if there is a ledger for keeping records of income and expenses. In this case, the document will be generated on its basis in one or two clicks.

An alternative is to enter the required data via the system interface or download a self-prepared declaration. The accounting program will help to form this document. And if you do not use it, the free product "Taxpayer LE" is available on the website of its developer GNIVTs FTS of Russia.

Step 5

After the formation or loading of the document, give the command to send the declaration. The system will notify you about the acceptance of the document for work, transfer to the tax authority and its acceptance.

The confirmation received from her in disputable situations serves as proof of the date of submission of the electronic declaration.

By the way, if you managed to submit your declaration via the Internet at 23:59 on the last day of its submission, there will be no reason to file a claim with the tax authorities for late filing.
