If earlier people who were far from each other communicated with each other using letters written on paper, now they prefer to contact using a mobile phone and social networks.

It is necessary
- - a computer;
- - access to the Internet.
Step 1
If you want to write to a person registered on Vkontakte, first register on this social network. Registration is fast. In a special window, you indicate all personal data, including name, surname, gender, mobile phone number, e-mail and other information. Registration is confirmed by a message that comes to the number you specified. In this message you will receive a code that you will enter when completing the registration of Vkontakte.
Step 2
Now, in the search box, enter the last name and first name of any of your friends or acquaintances and send him a friend request. Now, when the list of your friends is replenished, you can write messages to these users. To send any text, audio or video to your friend, find it in your friends list and click on its name. This user page will open in front of you. On the left you will see the main photo of the person, and below it there will be a button: "Send message". Click on this button and you will see a dialog box in which you enter any text you want. In the lower left corner of this window you will see the following inscription: "Send", and in the right: "Attach". If you need to send only text to a friend, click on the first button, and if you want to send him a document, song or video, click on the second button. Select the function "Attach", and you will see the following inscription: "Photo", "Document", "Audio recording", "Video recording", "Card". By choosing one of the functions, you can send a message to a friend with the appropriate attachment.
Step 3
In addition to exchanging messages with your friends, you can send messages to other Vkontakte users who are not in your friends list. Find any user, open his page by clicking the left mouse button on his last name and first name. On the left, under the photograph of the person, you will see the inscription: "Send message". By repeating the steps described above, you can write a letter to this user. However, there are people who block access to messaging for strangers. In this case, try first to send such a person a friend request, and then, if he accepts it, write him messages.