Where Can I Download Electronic School Textbooks

Where Can I Download Electronic School Textbooks
Where Can I Download Electronic School Textbooks

Some 10-15 years ago, schoolchildren went to the city library and sat there for hours, copying the material for the lesson in a neat handwriting. Today's students have much more learning opportunities. Without leaving home, or rather, without leaving the computer, they can find any textbook and any book in electronic format.

Where can I download electronic school textbooks
Where can I download electronic school textbooks

Why using e-books is convenient

First of all, it should be said about saving time. Searching and downloading the necessary textbook takes no more than 5-10 minutes, provided that the students know sites useful for themselves.

Secondly, one cannot but mention the compactness of the literature received. The weight of all books assigned for the summer remains equal to the book reader itself.

Ease of use also lies in the ability to read in any convenient place. By uploading a textbook to a tablet, phone or e-book, you can access the study in your free time anywhere. For example, in the subway.

Why can't we completely abandon printed books?

Always reading a book on the screen is like watching a ballet not at the Bolshoi Theater, but on a DVD-player. There is the same amount of information, but the effect is not the same. On top of that, reading on the monitor does not have a very positive effect on vision. Another argument can be considered some costs for electronic textbooks, since not all sites provide the right to download for free. However, if you buy an e-book based on e-ink, there will be no vision problems.

Free Websites

bookloved.com is a relatively new site, created in 2013, but already in demand among schoolchildren. Here you can download free textbooks in txt, fb2 formats. There is also a large selection of books on various topics. You will have to search the site yourself. Autosearch is not provided.

shkola.yccat.com. An electronic library involves a simple registration procedure. You must enter your email address and personal information. This resource has a large database of textbooks for practically all school subjects.

shcolara.ru. The site assumes more advanced registration. It is required to indicate the name, city, school, class. Searching the site is quite convenient, since when you enter the name of the subject and class, textbooks on the topic automatically appear.

bookfi.org. The resource allows you to download textbooks both for registration and without. The main materials are posted online for free download. The site can be searched through the search engine located on the home page.

www.twirpx.com. A wide variety of good quality e-books on offer is complemented by a convenient and simple interface of the site itself. Downloading is possible only with the passage of full registration with confirmation via e-mail. However, that small amount of time spent on data entry is made up for by a quick alphabet search and a decent base of educational literature.
