How To Insert A Long Status

How To Insert A Long Status
How To Insert A Long Status

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Social media statuses reflect the mood and thoughts of users. But often it is impossible to put everything that interests and worries the person who expressed them in the prescribed 160 signs. There are two simple ways to increase the length of a status.

How to insert a long status
How to insert a long status


Step 1

Launch the Opera internet browser. Use it to open the required page of the social network.

Step 2

Log in to the social network by entering your username and password.

Step 3

In the account that opens, find the "Status" link, or left-click on the "Status" field directly on the social network page. The status field should become active for editing.

Step 4

Right-click next to the status field. A pop-up window will appear in which you need to find the line "Source code". Click on the found line.

Step 5

In the "Source Code" window that opens, find the phrase "maxlength". If you can't find it visually, use the Ctrl + F command by entering the required search phrase. Press the Enter key to confirm the search.

Step 6

After the given phrase is found, you need to delete the text "maxlength =" 160 ". This tag sets the status length to 160 characters, including spaces. Next, click on the "Apply Changes" button located above the left.

Step 7

You can close the Source Code window. After the performed operation, open the "Status" window and enter the status you are interested in. Its length can be up to 250 characters.
