The social network "VKontakte" is very popular, because it has a huge range of opportunities for communication and exchange of information - from sending text to creating groups and posting videos. One of the functions limiting or increasing opportunities was the rating.

Step 1
To date, there is no rating, and, therefore, all restrictions and privileges associated with it have been removed. It was possible to increase the rating using a paid service of the site or application. Due to the fact that it was never said that the service is provided on an ongoing basis, there should be no claim to the site for the refund. More information can be found on the social network in the section of frequently asked questions.
Step 2
The rating transfer was made possible by voting. Also a paid service that makes it possible to increase the score of your pen friend. Accordingly, now, due to the absence of the option as such, manipulations with it are impossible. If a line with numbers is displayed under your photo, then this is an indicator of how full your account is. To increase it - fill in all the fields with personal information from photography to vacation spots. Remember, this now does not affect other people's browsing or the user's search experience.
Step 3
If you use apps frequently and want to receive premium items or make unique gifts to friends or acquaintances, use Voices. This is a kind of VKontakte currency. You can receive votes by paying for the service in a way convenient for you or participate in applications that provide an opportunity to receive them for free. Votes can be spent or transferred to users on your friends list. To do this, use the "Balance" tab and the link "Send votes to a friend" in it.
Step 4
All kinds of programs and scripts offering to get "Voices" for free may contain a virus or a potential threat to your personal data. The administration of the social network "VKontakte" does not offer such services, based on the security policy of personal data of users.