Traffic is a flow of information transmitted and received over a communication channel. Accordingly, the payment for the selected traffic is based on the amount of data that was sent or received from the computer.

Step 1
To select the most suitable traffic, first determine the operator with which you will work in the future. Different Internet service providers have differences in the volume of the provided traffic packages, there are different bonuses, etc. In addition, you need to find out about the quality of the Internet connection of a particular operator in a particular place of residence of the user - it may happen that due to a weak communication signal, the declared speed will be significantly lower than the real one and it will become simply impossible to work on the Internet. This applies primarily to those living in the private sector, outside the city.
Step 2
After choosing an operator, the next step is to select the directly suitable traffic. The easiest way to get information about all the packages provided is on the official website of the company. Study in detail all the details of providing an Internet service, and often important information is written in footnotes and in small print, which most site visitors do not pay attention to.
Step 3
Try to guess or calculate exactly how much information or at least an assumed range of values in gigabytes you plan to send or receive from the Internet. After assessing your needs, choose from the possible packages offered by the provider company the one in which the total traffic suits your specific requirements.
Step 4
If it is difficult to accurately determine the required volume of data transmission and reception per month, it is better to choose traffic with a slightly higher volume from several considered options. It will cost a little more, but, firstly, the cost of 1 gigabyte of data with an increase in prepaid traffic significantly decreases, and secondly, if the paid monthly volume is exceeded, all information exceeding the limit of the provided package, as a rule, will cost the user significantly more since provided already at other rates. Also, many companies have offers that allow you to pay only for the amount of GB that was actually used during the month - albeit on less favorable terms. This is beneficial for users who do not use the Internet all the time, but from time to time.
Step 5
In any case, after working for several months, the required volume of traffic becomes clearer - and then you can change the used tariff plan to a more suitable one.