When working on any Internet resource, additional advice from the administrator is almost always required. And from how competently and clearly you formulate your question, the answer will be so accurate and correct.

- - Internet access;
- - electronic mailbox
Step 1
If you have any problems while working with the site (forgot your password to log into your account, want to change settings or personal data), then you can write a letter to the administrator.
Step 2
Before writing a private message, search for the answer to your question in the Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ.
Step 3
If you still did not find the answer to your question, you can contact the administrator for help. Usually you can send a message through the appropriate sections: "help", "support", "support".
Step 4
Usually on the site there is a standard form for contacting the support service (Fig. 1).
Please fill in all fields without errors.
Step 5
Often the third item is the subject of the message. In the "topic" column, clearly state the essence of the question. For example, if you cannot log into your account, then you do not need to write in the subject line “When I enter the site, a frame“incorrect username or password”appears. This phrase can be replaced by a precise, capacious analogue "Problem with account activation".
Step 6
When presenting the text of the problem, observe the chronology of events and the logic of the narration. If you provide incomplete information or formulate it incomprehensibly and confusingly, then even the most qualified programmers will not be able to help you.
Step 7
For example, if you lost the key file from the payment system, remember what preceded this fact (for example, you reinstalled the operating system, which caused the keys to be lost). Providing such important facts will help the support staff to resolve your problem more quickly.
Step 8
If something incomprehensible to you has occurred that you cannot describe, then it is better to take a screenshot and attach it to the letter. Having seen the image, and having studied it in detail, specialists will quickly develop a list of recommendations for you.
Step 9
And in conclusion, you can thank the administrator for the help and express hope for a speedy resolution of the issue.