How To Open A Tab In Safari

How To Open A Tab In Safari
How To Open A Tab In Safari

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The Safari browser, like other modern programs of the same class, allows you to open multiple tabs in one window. And if you accidentally closed one of them, it is not necessary to remember the address of the page that you viewed in it. This tab can be automatically restored.

How to open a tab in Safari
How to open a tab in Safari


Step 1

Tabbed browsing is disabled by default in Safari - pages open in separate windows, just like in older versions of IE. If you have not enabled this feature before, activate it now. To do this, select the "Settings" item in the menu and go to the "Tabs" section. Check the "Opens link in a new tab" checkbox.

Step 2

Unlike some other browsers, Safari does not provide an on-screen button to open a new blank tab. To create it, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-T. Hereinafter, if you are using an Apple keyboard, instead of Ctrl, use the key labeled Cmd or Command. This technique works in some other browsers, even those with an on-screen button to open a new tab (for example, Opera).

Step 3

To open a page from a link in a new tab, move the mouse arrow over it, and then press its right key. A context menu will appear. Select the "Open link in a new tab" item in it. If you are using an Apple mouse, it must be a multi-button mouse to use this technique, such as the Mighty Mouse. Please note that this pointing device does not support simultaneous pressing of the left and right buttons. You can avoid this by using an Apple Magic Mouse or a third-party pointing device.

Step 4

When working with a one-button Apple mouse, the context menu cannot be invoked. In this case, to open the page in a new tab, bring the mouse arrow to the link, then press the Ctrl button, and then, without releasing it, click on the link. The result will be similar to the one described above.

Step 5

There are also no buttons for calling the trash can with previously closed tabs (as in Opera) in Safari. Therefore, if you accidentally closed the tab, immediately press Ctrl-Z, and it will appear in it. Before pressing this key combination, make sure that none of the text input fields is active, otherwise, instead of restoring the tab, the previous action in this field will be canceled. Please note that text in fields that are already filled in on a tab checked out from the Trash may be lost (unlike Firefox).
