The semantic core is a set of words and key phrases that best describe the content of the site. A properly selected semantic core allows the site to rise in the search engine rankings, which automatically leads to an increase in the number of visitors.

Step 1
Start the work on compiling the semantic core of the site with the selection of a list of keywords that most fully characterize your resource. For example, if your site was created for astronomy lovers, then these words will be: stars, constellations, moon, sun, planets, telescope, etc.
Step 2
Once you've identified your keyword list, imagine yourself as someone who wants to find your site. What search queries will he enter to find the information he is interested in? You can determine this by following the link:
Step 3
This Yandex service issues the most frequent search queries. By entering the word "astronomy", you will receive a list of search queries with this word, indicating their frequency. After reviewing the list, determine which key phrases are best for including them in the texts of your site.
Step 4
From the number of grammatically correct queries, select those that are suitable for composing the menu on the main page of the site. For example, Achievements in Astronomy, Astronomy for Beginners, History of Astronomy, Ancient Astronomy, etc.
Step 5
Choose keywords and phrases for sections of the site. For example, for the section "Constellations" such phrases will be the names of the constellations. Put them in subheadings, devote a separate paragraph or page to each constellation.
Step 6
Place the most high-frequency queries on the first page of the site. The deeper the page is in the navigation, the lower-frequency should be placed on it key phrases. High-frequency queries are usually very general - for example, "telescope". Low-frequency ones, on the contrary, accurately characterize the object of the search - "a homemade telescope made of spectacle lenses."
Step 7
Do not forget that the texts of the site, compiled with the semantic core in mind, must be readable. The frequency of keywords should not exceed 3-5%, that is, for a hundred words of text, a keyword cannot be repeated more than three to five times.
Step 8
The correct procedure for creating a site involves compiling its semantic core, selecting headings and only then writing texts. If the site has already been created and you want to raise your resource in the ranking, make up its semantic core and optimize the site structure, menus, headings and texts, taking into account the selected keywords.