How To Create A Test Yourself

How To Create A Test Yourself
How To Create A Test Yourself

Today there are a huge number of varieties of very different tests - psychological, professional, etc. Some of them are compiled solely for practical reasons in order to facilitate the work of personnel officers, managers of enterprises; others are purely for the entertainment of the people who will take these tests. But both in the first and in the second case, the algorithm for composing tests is approximately the same.

How to create a test yourself
How to create a test yourself

To create a test, you need a constructor program

On the Internet, you can download dozens of varieties of design programs designed for writing tests. With their help, anyone can create a test with a clear structure and a typical work algorithm.

But before you start writing the test, you need to decide on its type. There are two main types, which differ only in the form of asking questions.

How do I create a test with yes-no questions?

The first type includes tests, the answers in the questionnaires of which provide only two options - "yes" or "no". They usually contain a fixed number of questions in plain text. For each answer "yes" a certain number of points is awarded; for the answer "no" the person passing the test does not receive points. At the end of the test, all the points scored are summed up, and on their basis the program selects one or another result. Their number is strictly defined and rarely exceeds 4-5 options.

All the above parameters are set manually in the test generator program, in the corresponding tabs.

How do I create a test with “select from a list of answers” answers?

The second type of tests is with answers of the "select from a list of answers" type. When passing them, the test taker is asked to choose from the answer options that are closest to him. To create a test, you need to prepare a sufficient number of possible answers in advance. At the same time, they should be as versatile as possible, cover the problem of the test from various angles.

As the test progresses, points are awarded for each selected item. After answering the last question, they are summed up, and the diagnostic result is displayed on the user's screen.