How To Fill A Blog

How To Fill A Blog
How To Fill A Blog

Table of contents:


A blog is an online diary, the content of which is composed of regularly added posts, which in addition to text may contain pictures or clips. Unlike a regular paper diary that you write for yourself, blogs have a commenting function. Readers can engage in polemics with the author in the post comments or on their page.

How to fill a blog
How to fill a blog


Step 1

Decide what you would like to write about. Your blog might be about any topic: politics, music, fashion, movies you've watched, or new books you've read. If you love and understand what you write about, you will quickly become popular in the blogging industry.

Step 2

Perhaps you are engaged in any socially useful activity (you go to orphanages, you are a volunteer helping stray animals) that could be of interest to a wide range of readers. In this case, you can regularly talk about it, attracting newcomers to your organization.

Step 3

Blogs are popular, which are of practical importance to readers. Regularly share recipes for delicious dishes, tell in the post how to sew a case for a mobile phone, make a beautiful hairstyle or cure otitis media in a dog. If you give the right information, you will not be left without readers.

Step 4

Of course, you can blog about your reflections on life, describe the events that happened to you, share your emotions. If you have a great style and a great sense of humor, people will be happy to read stories even about how your milk ran away or you got stuck in a traffic jam.

Step 5

If you are a creative person - write poetry or stories, paint, compose music - you can fill your blog with your creativity. For example, the famous poetess Izubr became popular thanks to the Live Journal, where she regularly published her poems, which were immediately quoted by numerous admirers.

Step 6

Some of the most popular blogs are travel blogs. If you live in any exotic country, fill your blog with information about the culture, customs and mentality of the people around you. Russian readers can be interested in everything: what products are sold in Japanese supermarkets, how young people from South Africa have fun, where Australians spend their weekends. And if you add photographs to your story, it will make it even more fun for your readers.
