What Is The Discipline Of A Poker Player

What Is The Discipline Of A Poker Player
What Is The Discipline Of A Poker Player

Discipline is an integral part of success in any business, be it a hobby, work or business. Poker beginners underestimate its importance and prioritize strategy and skill. The ability to play well does not mean a guaranteed result. Without a competent long-term plan and a willingness to stick to it, poker will remain just a game, will not become a source of income. No strategy will work without a clear approach, and discipline and self-control provide the ability to stay on track.

Discipline in the game
Discipline in the game

Self-control is worth considering on several levels at once. In the game, he helps not to fall into tilt and maintain a clear mind. Even the best tactics will not help when emotions prevail over reason. "Better a bird in hand than pie in the sky" - this proverb reflects the meaning of behavior in poker. Yes, you can chase the crane and hit the jackpot, or you can be left with nothing. This is the meaning of poker for a beginner. The professional is disciplined enough and knows himself well to fold his cards on time and stay “at the tit”, which will bring income over and over again and make poker a permanent, paid, favorite job.

What is poker discipline?

To understand what moments of discipline sag and stop on the way to regular winning, it is worth considering what lies behind this term.

1. Poker is work

In order for poker to bring not only emotions, but also a stable income, you need to treat it like a job. The size of the payoff is influenced by the variance factor, especially at short distances. Therefore, a player who seeks to make a win with his salary needs to play decent distances in a month. Without bosses constantly monitoring this process, the only hope remains for self-control. The road to success requires investment. It's money and time. Time for training, practice, analysis of game sessions. All this should be scheduled in the day and carried out as at work. If you want to become a professional, you have to work, work and … it's clear what's next. And it is very important for this job to have a competently and clearly drawn up schedule. Hence the next item on the list - the daily routine.

2. Schedule is a self-control tool

A good player should determine in advance the amount of time he will spend on poker sessions. If poker is not the main occupation, family or other commitments are involved, it is logical to play late in the evening. Also, do not forget about the time you need to set aside for training.

But even if the day is completely free for what you love, you should not hope that any time of the day is suitable for the sessions. The choice of time is influenced by the time zone and the poker room. It is necessary to choose the optimal period for the number of weak players.

Things to consider when scheduling:

• the amount of time allocated for poker sessions;

• optimal time in accordance with the time zone and the poker room;

• time for rest and distraction.

The last point should be discussed separately. In order to maintain concentration and composure, the body needs rest. This rule applies not only to poker, but also to any active brain activity. If you don't let your brain "switch", at some point it will stop working productively. Adequate sleep and a change in activity must be present in the daily routine to prevent loss of concentration.

It's not enough to make a schedule, you also have to follow it. This is where discipline and self-control come in. It is important to train yourself to play and learn in the allotted time.

3. Action plan

Income poker can be considered a business. In every business, the initial stage is drawing up a business plan in order to know the procedure that should lead to the desired turnover and income. Likewise, poker requires its own plan.

What does it include:

1. Scheduling Sessions:

• how many hours will the session last onlinehttps://gov.slot4moneys.com/top-cazino;

• when it should be stopped;

• how many hours you need to play in a month;

• what kind of income should you strive for.

2. What concepts will be worked out in practice to consolidate theoretical training.

The plan will help determine the level at which the player wants to be at a given point in time, and the activities required to reach that point.

3. Development control

No plan will work if it is not followed rigorously. It's important to track your progress so you know exactly what the plan is in action. The presence of checkpoints will help maintain discipline, will allow you to see how the unscrupulous execution of your own instructions affects the self-development process.

4. Work space

In order not to lose concentration and not be distracted by trifles during the sessions, it is worthwhile to correctly organize the workspace. It should be comfortable and neat. You should avoid unnecessary distracting stuff at the computer. Make sure the room is quiet and secluded enough for focused work.

You can immediately anticipate possible interference:

• make sure that everything you need to play is at hand;

• put your mobile phone on silent mode or turn it off;

• prepare a cup of tea and a snack in case of a long session.

5. The mood for the game

It seems that there is nothing easier - doing what you love and showing your best game. But nobody canceled the human factor.

Every decision, be it poker or ordinary life, is influenced by a combination of external and internal influences. It is worth getting wet in the rain, getting hungry, quarreling with relatives, and this will immediately leave an imprint on all decisions made. This will provoke the predominant influence of emotions over the mind and lead to actions that are not typical in a calm state. This situation does not fit into a developed and scheduled plan. Therefore, you should not sit down to play if it is impossible to get rid of negative thoughts.

This point can also include the addiction to play under the influence of alcohol or other substances that cloud the mind. This rule seems elementary, but it is still often violated by inexperienced players. Because professionals would not have achieved their results by so grossly violating work discipline. They always remember the first point - not to confuse work with fun.

How to improve your discipline?

There are several techniques that can help you take your poker self-control to the next level:

• practice daily, success does not tolerate laziness;

• learn from the experience of other players and their ways to cope with difficult situations;

• analyze your gaming sessions, reflection is the way to self-improvement;

• learn to control your emotions, come up with your own ritual of getting out of a depressed state after a bad beat.


Skill and luck in poker can save only a short time. A person who hopes for a chance will not stay long in the game. To become a truly profitable player, you need to work and learn. Without discipline and self-control, this process will not be effective, and wasted time is, first of all, the loss of potential money.

Self-control is not a natural trait of character. It can be nurtured in oneself, brought to the highest level. And any person who has set a goal and is confident in his desires is capable of this. Players who understood this important aspect of poker and life in general became well-paid professionals.
