How To Pay For A File

How To Pay For A File
How To Pay For A File

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Owners of unique files that many visitors to the Internet want to download can profit from their files - documents, images, e-books, techniques. To implement this idea is quite simple - just use a special service.

How to pay for a file
How to pay for a file


Step 1

There are platforms for buying and selling digital goods. One of the most famous Russian-language platforms is ( By registering on the site as a seller, you can link your WebMoney wallet to your account and upload a file for sale. You set the price yourself. In order for a product to be successfully sold, it is necessary to add a detailed beautiful description to the site, listing all the advantages of the file and all the benefits that the buyer will receive. On, potential buyers can ask pre-sale questions to the seller through a special chat form, so be prepared for them reply. Each file on can be resold countless times

Step 2

You can also use paid file hosting services and place a link to download the file on entertainment sites and portals that match the topic. Such services are provided by the Cash Magnat sites (, ZIP Coin ( and many others. It is easy enough to find them through a search engine. The file sharing service works according to the scheme: a user downloads your archive, sends an SMS to get a password to unzip it, and part of the funds debited from a mobile account goes to your account. You determine the cost of SMS yourself. On most paid file hosting services, it ranges from 30 to 300 rubles

Step 3

In addition, using WinRAR, you can create an archive with a password set on it. Right-click on the file and select the Add To Archive context menu item. In the WinRAR - Archive name and parameters window that appears, select the Advanced tab and click the Set Password … button. In the special fields, enter the password twice and click OK. After that, go to the Comment tab and enter a comment to the file in the Enter a comment field manually. Here you can specify the payment method for the file, for example, your wallets - WebMoney, Yandex. Money, LibertyReserve, and even your bank account number. Also, do not forget to indicate your e-mail and / or phone number to contact you as a seller. The user who downloaded the archive will not be able to unpack it until he learns the password.
