How To Delete Your Account From Facebook

How To Delete Your Account From Facebook
How To Delete Your Account From Facebook

Removing or deactivating an account from Facebook can be difficult. For complete deletion, you need to clear your page from all data to be sure that your account is completely and permanently removed from this social network.

How to delete your account from facebook
How to delete your account from facebook

As in any social network, it is not easy to disappear from Fuisbuk's field of vision. All popular web services are interested in as many users as possible and are very reluctant to part with everyone. Therefore, deleting an account with your data, contacts and messages is always difficult. This operation cannot be performed with a single click of the mouse.

Not deletion, but deactivation

When deciding to delete your Facebook account, you should be aware that your data will not completely disappear. On the server of this social network, all your photos, friends list and messages are stored indefinitely. On the one hand, it will help restore your account at any time, if you just wish to return.

On the other hand, your data, comments, notes and your circle of contacts are saved, so to speak, "in reserve." Suddenly, you suddenly become interested in the US State Department or become a famous figure: the president of the whole Earth or the hero of a sensation. Then the information about you on Facebook will become truly invaluable, it will turn into a commodity.

Magic button "Account deletion"

It's easy to become a member of any social network. But getting out of it, leaving, is more difficult. You will have to look for the button "Delete account".

In the "All Settings" section, find the "Security" line. At the very bottom, in small blue font, there is a menu bar "Deactivate account". Note, "deactivate", not "delete".

Follow this link and you will be taken to the page of the form, which you will have to fill out. True, first you will be shown a list of your friends and will remind you that they will all miss you very much.

Fill out the form, indicate the reasons for wanting to leave Facebook. Check the box if you do not want to receive email notifications and click "Confirm".

This method will not permanently delete your account. It will only hide the page from prying eyes, deactivate it. You can recover at any time. There is no time limit.

Complete account deletion

In order to completely remove an account from the Facebook social network, you will have to go another, more complicated way. In the "Help" section, in the query line "How can we help you", type "how to delete your account permanently".

Read how to deactivate your account. There may not be a word about complete deletion, although only recently such a button existed. But maybe you're lucky and this secret button will appear in the message.

Still, it's best if you take some preliminary steps.

To completely remove from this social network, perform a thorough cleaning. Go to all the groups where you participate, put "dislike", delete all photos, contacts, data about yourself, all comments. Everything you can reach.

The page should remain blank. Be sure to save your changes. Password confirmation will be required. If the password is lost, you will have to recover it first.

After all these manipulations, your account will be ready to be deleted. On the secret tab for deleting an account at, click Submit.

Preparing your account for deletion in advance is a guarantee that information about you will not be stored for some obscure purpose on the Facebook server for an indefinitely long time and will never be used against you.
