How To Create Templates For Ucoz

How To Create Templates For Ucoz
How To Create Templates For Ucoz

A template for uCoz is a description of the location of the site elements and a graphical view of the site. The template should facilitate the user's work and in no case interfere with him. But, at the same time, there should be a certain zest in it, which will attract the visitor and help him spend extra time on the site.

How to create templates for ucoz
How to create templates for ucoz

It is not very difficult to create a template for the uCoz platform. To implement this idea, certain knowledge and understanding of the principle of working with uCoz is required.

You can learn the basics of wireframing directly on the uCoz website. To do this, register on the portal, go to the "Control Panel" and select the "Template Designer" item. Inside this paragraph, you can find all the necessary instructions for drawing up a wireframe.

There are four main ways to create a template for uCoz. Working with each of them requires different knowledge.

Creating a template for uCoz from scratch

When creating a template from scratch, there is an opportunity to make it author's and unique. First, you should draw a sketch of the template on paper or in a simple graphics editor. This drawing can be very arbitrary. The main thing is that it should convey the essence of what you want to see in the end. Further, from this sketch, a full-fledged template is drawn in Photoshop or another similar program with similar potential. After that, the drawn template is typeset and adapted according to the requirements of the uCoz system.

Creating a template for uCoz from an HTML template

Creating a template for your future uCoz website from an HTML template is the easiest way. It assumes you have a ready-made layout page, which you just need to place on the uCoz platform, according to the rules for creating a wireframe template. Difficulties in this method can arise only when creating styles for site elements. For example, such as pop-ups, comments and similar elements.

Creating a uCoz template from a PSD layout

This method is a special case of creating a website from scratch. It assumes that you already have a PSD site layout drawn in Photoshop. This method requires a high level of knowledge in layout. The PSD template must be cut in the correct way and the graphics adapted, after which it can be typeset like a regular page in html.

Adaptation of uCoz-template from another CMS

Adapting a template for uCoz from another control system is one of the most difficult methods. This requires not only knowledge of the basics of working with the uCoz website builder, but also knowledge of other CMS.

To create a template using this method, you will need a ready-made template for another CMS, for example, for Wordpress, DLE or Joomla systems. After that, you should adapt the structure of this CMS to the structure of the uCoz system.
