How To Get Money Back For Playing On Steam If Played For More Than 2 Hours

How To Get Money Back For Playing On Steam If Played For More Than 2 Hours
How To Get Money Back For Playing On Steam If Played For More Than 2 Hours

For various reasons, sometimes you want to return a game you just purchased, but this is not always possible. In the game distribution service Steam, the possibility of refund is present, but under certain conditions.

How to get money back for playing on steam if played for more than 2 hours
How to get money back for playing on steam if played for more than 2 hours

When can I get a refund?

Almost any. The game might not fit the characteristics of the computer (it hangs or does not turn on at all). Perhaps the game did not meet your expectations or did not like it at all - the reason for the return does not matter. The main condition that the Steam administration adheres to is that the user must return the game a maximum of two weeks after the purchase, and the time spent online directly in the game should not exceed two hours.

But even if these conditions were violated, when submitting an official request to the technical support service with the reasoning of your request, it is likely that the refund will be issued.

You can request a refund not only for the game, but also for individual content (DLC), but only if it has not been activated and used irrevocably (for example, consumables or boosters to increase experience).

The money is returned to the specified details within a week. If for some reason Steam cannot make a transfer, the spent funds will be fully transferred to the balance in the system itself, and in the future they can also be spent on purchasing games.

When is the money not returned?

Despite the almost limitless loyalty to users on the part of the Steam administration, it is not always possible to return your hard-earned money. Firstly, the administration has the right to refuse a refund if the traditional rule of 14 days from the date of purchase and those same two hours in the game has been violated. The support considers such situations in a special order, and the payment of the money spent is not always made.

Secondly, you can not count on reimbursement of the money spent if the game was purchased on a third-party resource. There are many resellers who sell activation codes for Steam. But if you purchased a key outside the system of Steam itself, the possibility of a return from the administration is not considered in principle.

Also, players who abuse game vulnerabilities (cheaters) should not count on a refund if they are blocked. If the service security system (VAC) has banned the account in the game, no refund will be provided.

In addition to games, Steam offers a wide range of other content (films, music or software can be purchased). The refund function does not apply to media products, films and music, in principle, cannot be returned, unless such content is included in the DLC package and is not a stand-alone product.

Of course, you shouldn't get carried away with returns. Yes, some games can be evaluated and even completed in the traditional two hours. But this does not give the right to use the services for free. If a player is seen abusing the return function, they are likely to be restricted from using it.