Low Internet speed leads to numerous difficulties for the user, for example, the inability to watch streaming video or slow loading of some sites. There can be several reasons for this problem; its solution must be complex.

Browser selection
For a long time, Internet Explorer was considered the fastest and most reliable browser. However, the developers of Internet resources are constantly improving their sites, complicating them with new features. This, in turn, significantly slows down the loading of sites. To solve this problem, you can switch to using other Internet browsers that allow you to flexibly customize the downloaded content.
For example, for the Firefox browser, a huge number of extensions have already been written that allow you to block such elements of sites as Java Script and Flash, which significantly speeds up the Internet. A very important add-on for this browser is the Adblock Plus program, it allows you to almost completely block all ads that may be present on sites. The Google Chrome browser has a similar set of add-ons, in addition, this browser is known for low RAM requirements. To work on the Internet with a slow Internet, you can also use the Opera browser. This program is equipped with a special data compression technology - Opera Turbo, specially designed to work in such conditions.
Unnecessary additions and extensions
There are many add-ons and extensions to speed up the Internet. At the same time, the use of many such add-ons leads to the opposite effect, they greatly slow down the browser. Try disabling those you are not using. You should also not overload your browser with a lot of add-ons, even if they are useful to you. Multiple extensions working together will slow down page loading by itself.
Optimizing connectivity
If you are using a wireless connection, it is possible that the slow internet speed is due to the fact that the channel you are using is congested. To check if the network is working, download from the Internet and run the inSSIDer program. It allows you to see the networks that are nearby and the channels on which they operate. Write down the channels that are overloaded with a lot of connections on a piece of paper. Change your wireless channel if necessary.
Another reason for a slow wireless connection may be the location of the router at an imperfect location. Try to position it so that there are no obstacles (for example, walls) between it and the computer.
Optimizing PC performance
Internet connection requires a certain amount of RAM. If there is not enough, this connection slows down. Remove programs you are not using. Scan your PC with an antivirus for the presence of spyware and viruses, their presence also leads to a deterioration in the Internet connection. Make sure the PC is not running two firewalls in parallel. The joint work of two such programs negatively affects the security and speed of the Internet. If you bought and installed a separate firewall, make sure you disable the firewall for the operating system itself.