Since 1999, domain name registration has become available to private companies. Now the number of registered domains has exceeded 150 million and continues to grow rapidly. Despite this, it is quite simple to determine the registrar of a particular domain on the Internet.

Step 1
Use the whois command if you are using one of the Linux operating systems. This is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to identify your domain registrar. The whois command is built into the OS and to activate it, your computer must be connected to the Internet.
Step 2
Enter the whois command in a command line terminal using simple syntax. For example, to get the registration details for the domain, you would type the following text: whois On the possibilities of using this command, you can get more detailed information by typing in the command line: whois man.
Step 3
Refer to the services of numerous web servers that provide various information about Internet resources. If you type whois in the search bar of any browser and hit enter, you will get many links to such servers. Go to the page of any of these resources. In the field for entering information, type the name of the domain in which you are interested in determining the registrar and press the Enter key. Your request will be sent to the server, and after a while you will see a page with data on the domain registrar. In addition to the name of the organization, you can find out its email address, website address and phone numbers.
Step 4
Please note that sometimes web resources do not provide complete information about the domain registrar, providing only his identification pseudonym, the so-called Nic-Handle. You can find out which registrar a particular pseudonym belongs to in special lists that are published by regional organizations that issue licenses for this kind of activity. For domains in the RU zone, such a list can be found at the following email address