Sometimes it is very important to determine who owns a certain mailbox. For example, someone sent you a letter with a rude content or, conversely, a very tempting offer, and you became interested in his personality, if only because of natural human curiosity.

Step 1
To "calculate" the mysterious Mr. X, you will have to turn into Sherlock Holmes for a while. After all, the sought-after subject did not leave any explicit information about himself. It should be noted right away that there are no guarantees of success, much will depend on a successful combination of circumstances.
Step 2
Arm yourself with search engines. If the mailbox whose owner you want to know is being used by a real person, and not by a bot program, he could leave information about himself in Internet pagers, forums, chats, social networks or the blogosphere, or they could discuss it there. In some cases, you will immediately find a person's real name and other data.
Step 3
Please note: if on many sites this information is private, then in the cache of some search engines it may accidentally appear in the public domain. The events of the summer of 2011, when more than 5000 SMS of a private nature were in the public domain, are a vivid indicator of the importance of using search engines in identifying the owner of an e-mail box.
Step 4
Try to start a correspondence with the person you are interested in using a fake account in the mail service. Often people give out information about themselves if they know each other for some time (even virtually).
Step 5
If your own strength is not enough, but you are ready to spend a little, contact a detective agency. After all, professional detectives have a wider range of opportunities for finding people, and they may also have useful equipment in their arsenal. Tell the detectives all the information you have, give them a clear task. It is worth immediately discussing the issue of the cost of services.
Step 6
When contacting the detective bureau, you should not lose sight of the following points: how long has the company existed, are there any positive reviews about these detectives, what portfolio they can provide you with. Beware of scammers and fly-by-night companies posing as a decent detective agency.