How To Kill The First Boss In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

How To Kill The First Boss In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
How To Kill The First Boss In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

The very first serious opponent in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a giant who is located near the entrance to Ashina Castle. He may be the first, but the hardcore game made even him a "classic" simple boss. How do you deal with the giant from Sekiro?

How to kill the first boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
How to kill the first boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

The giant and the fire

The giant located near the entrance to Ashina Castle is a rather serious opponent. It is notable for its sluggishness, but if it nevertheless catches the player, this will be enough to send the latter to the nearest control point.

But do not be discouraged - you can kill him, and for this you don't even need to use additional tools. True, in this case, the user will have to put their nerves, heart rate and reaction to a real test. Or you can use a simpler and safer way for the main character - to fight the first boss with the help of the elements of fire.

In general, all opponents in the Sekiro game are to one degree or another afraid of fire and try to move away to rest if the player sets them on fire. But there are opponents with red eyes who are most afraid of fire. And just such opponents are the giant.

Therefore, it is worth visiting this boss after you have a flamethrower on your hands and a sufficient amount of oil, which enhances and prolongs the burning effect. While the giant is on fire, you can beat him, but it is better not to be greedy and strike 3-4 times.

It is also important to choose the battlefield - it is best to fight not near the gate, but near the fire, below. Below the player, if necessary, will have the opportunity to climb a tree or an arch. There it will be possible to heal.

How to attack? When the giant rushes at the player to grab, it is worth dodging him, catching the hook on the block on the neck and delivering several blows.

Where to get oil and a flamethrower

In order to find both the flamethrower and the oil, it is necessary to find a dilapidated house in the vicinity of Ashina, in which a half-witted woman lives. She will accept the player as a son, and, regardless of the dialogue and conversation, will give him a bell. He needs to be taken to the temple and talk to the carver. He will give some tips.

After that, you need to go across the bridge, kill the guard with several dogs, and then jump over the gate. This is where the carver's idol will sit. After visiting him, you need to go back.

Near the place where the carver was, you need to visit several islets and find a merchant on one of them. He will be happy to sell some valuables for carp scales. Among the valuable goods will be a flask that can give the player resistance to burning if he drinks from it.

In order to find the flamethrower, you need to approach the fire through the courtyard to the right. But it is necessary to act silently, since a large number of opponents are walking on the streets.

By the way, oil simply falls from almost every defeated enemy walking along the roads of this location. In order to increase the oil level and the chance of getting it, you need to burst the green trophy ball (if any).
